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Once upon a time, in a beautiful mountain valley far, far away…

…there was a dreamer who loved his hometown so much he wanted other people to love it as well.

So he created a tour agency that would help guests to experience the best of Bandung. Read his story below.

Our Story

Our story began many years ago when Farhan got bitten by the travel bug. At first, it was just trips to other parts of Indonesia, but soon he started discovering other ASEAN countries and kept going further and further. What he enjoyed most about travelling was learning about other cultures and ways of life, and listening to their stories. Based on his experience and passion for cultural exchange, Cerita Bandung was born.

We are a boutique tour operator for Bandung and West Java. When the Covid pandemic hit, we were badly affected, like everyone else. But rather than wait things out, we served the Bandung community and domestic visitors. This allowed us to continue to learn, grow, and even win the Tripadvisor 2021 Traveller's Choice Award along the way.

We look forward to meeting you on the guided tours that are our hallmark. These tours are meticulously researched, have a strong storyline and are delivered with passion by our guides. We also provide tours to the rest of West Java, famed for its pristine nature, unique culture and outdoor activities. 

What does Cerita Bandung mean?

Cerita Bandung is Indonesian for “Bandung Story”, and that’s our starting point: stories.

People have told stories since the dawn of time. Stories teach us valuable life lessons. They foster cooperation and understanding. Stories make us think, and more importantly, they help us feel. Stories are what make us human.

Because of that, stories are at the core of what we do at Cerita Bandung.

Stories are made up of memories and moments. What's your Bandung story going to be? Come talk to us for some unique ideas!

Our team

Farhan Basyir

The Dreamer

Farhan dreams of a day when people from far corners of the world will come to see and experience the beauty of Bandung. A globe-trotter himself, he quickly realised that what he loved the most about travelling was meeting people and hearing their stories. But he knew that such opportunities for visitors were limited in his native Bandung, where English is still not widely spoken. So he decided to make his dream come true by creating a tour agency that will tell stories about Bandung to the world, one traveller at a time.


The Culinary Queen

Femis has seven years of experience in the travel sector, and has lived in Bandung all her life.  She's passionate about traveling, culture, discovering new itineraries and being helpful to other people. She's also a great cook! Ask her for her special recipes and she won't disappoint you. She’s also super chuffed by the fact that the Father of Indonesian Independence, Sukarno, spent his formative years in her hometown. His powerful speeches rallied a nation together, and Femis looks forward to telling you more.

Gadis Hadianty

The Explorer

Gadis moved to Bandung as a teenager, and her love and admiration for the place has grown deeper ever since. Driving long distances, hiking into the forest, seeing the sunrise from a mountain top, relaxing in a hammock – these are just some of the things that bring her joy. While she’s happy to go on solo adventures, she’s even happier to help new friends explore and discover the rare natural beauty of the surrounding regions. Gadis invites you to join her for her next exciting journey – a hidden paradise awaits!