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Tours, Activities and Other Services

Ereveld Pandu

Amid the bustling and lively streets of Bandung, there lies a cemetery that resonates with the stories of those who have passed. One of Bandung’s oldest graveyards, Pandu Cemetery is the final resting ground for some of Bandung's most important historical figures. At the entrance of the Urson family mausoleum, two weeping angels stand guard, commemorating the first Italian family to set foot in Bandung. Join us as we guide you through the peaceful Ereveld Cemetery, a sacred space dedicated to honoring those who fell during World War II.

Duration | Maximum 3 hours

Suggested item to carry :

o Hat and sunglasses

o Umbrella

o Water and snacks

o Camera

Route | Hotel Preanger, Asia-Africa Street, Dalem Kaum, ends in Banceuy Street